فِي ذِكْرِ يُمْنِ دَعْوَتِهِ ﷺ
The Blessedness of the Invitation (Calling towards Islam) of The Messenger ﷺ
The Blessedness of the Invitation (Calling towards Islam) of The Messenger ﷺ
جَآءَتْ لِدَعْوَتِهِ الأَشْجَارُ سَاجِدَةً
تَمْشِيْ إِلَيهِ عَلَى سَاقٍ بِلاَ قَدَمِ
The trees had come for his call, prostrate in humility;
They came to him on their trunks, like footless legs, walking free.
كَأَنَّمَا سَطَرَتْ سَطْرًا لِّمَا كَتَبَتْ
فُرُوْعُهَا مِنْ بَدِيْــعِ الْخَطِّ في اللَّقَمِ
As if they had drawn along the way a straight line for what
Their branches had written in the finest calligraphy.
مِثْلُ الْغَمَامَةِ أَ نّىٰ سَارَ سَائِرَةً
تَقِيهِ حَرَّ وَطِيسٍ لِّلْهَجِيرِ حَمِ
Just like the cloud moving with him as he moved anywhere;
From noon's intense oven heat protecting him constantly.
أَقْسَمْتُ بِالْقَمَرِ الْمُنْشَقِّ إِنَّ لَهُ
مِنْ قَلْبِهِ نِسْبَةً مَّبْرُورَةَ الْقَسَمِ
I swear an oath by the moon, which split in two, that it has
A likeness to his pure heart—an oath of veracity.
وَمَا حَوَى الْغَارُ مِنْ خَيْرٍ وَّمِنْ كَرَمٍ
وَّكُلَّ طَرَفٍ مِّنَ الْكُفَّارِ عَنْهُ عَمِ
And what the cave did contain of good and nobility;
With every look from the disbelievers too blind to see.
فَالصِّدْقُ في الْغَارِ وَالصَّدِّيقُ لَمْ يُرَيَا
وَهُمْ يَقُولُونَ مَا بِالْغَارِ مِنْ أَرَمِ
The Truth and Truthful in Faith inside the cave hadn't moved;
All while they were saying that inside the cave none could be.
ظَنُّوا الْحَمَامَ وَظَنُّوا الْعَنْكَبُوتَ عَلَى
خَيْرِ الْبَرِيَّةِ لَمْ تَنْسُجْ وَلَمْ تَحُمِ
They thought no dove hovered and no spider spun any web,
For him, the Best of Creation—thinking its vacancy.
وَقَايَةُ اللهِ أَغْنَتْ عَنْ مُّضَاعَفَةٍ
مِّنَ الدُّرُوعِ وَعَنْ عَالٍ مِّنَ الأُطُمِ
Protection from God made needless reinforced armature,
Or towering citadels providing security.
مَا سَامَنِي الدَّهْرُ ضَيْمًا وَّاسْتَجَرَتُ بِهِ
إِلاَّ وَنِلْتُ جَوَارًا مِّنْهُ لَمْ يُضَمِ
No day has time gone to harm me and I have sought his care,
But that I have gotten care from him, without mockery.
وَلاَ الْتَمَسْتُ غِنَى الدَّارَيْنِ مِن يَّدِهِ
إِلاَّ اسْتَلَمْتُ النَّدٰى مِنْ خَيْرِ مُسْتَلَمِ
Nor have I asked of the riches of both worlds from his hand,
Without largesse from the best of givers coming to me.
لاَ تُنْكِرِ الْوَحْيَ مِنْ رُّؤْيَاهُ إِنَّ لَهُ
قَلْبًا إِذَا نَامَتِ الْعَيْنَانِ لَمْ يَنُمِ
Do not deny revelation from his dreaming, because
His heart, though his eyes may shut, is open wide and does see.
وَذَاكَ حِينَ بُلُوغٍ مِّن نُّبُوَّتِهِ
فَلَيْسَ يُنْكَرُ فِيهِ حَالُ مُحْتَلَمِ
And that was so at the very start of his prophethood:
So with that state of the dreaming no one can disagree.
تَبَارَكَ اللهُ مَا وَحْيٌ بِمُكْتَسَبٍ
وَلاَ نَبِيٌّ عَلَى غَيْبٍ بِمُتَّهَمِ
How blest is God: revelation isn't something attained;
Nor is a prophet suspected in what we do not see.
آيَاتُهُ الْغُرُّ لاَ يَخْفٰى عَلَى أَحَدٍ
بِدُونِهَا الْعَدْلُ بَيْنَ النَّاسِ لَمْ يَقُمِ
His miracles are clear, not hidden from anyone
Without it, justice cannot be established amongst society
كَمْ أَبْرَأَتْ وَصِبًا بِاللَّمْسِ رَاحَتُهُ
وَأَطْلَقَتْ أَرَبًا مِّنْ رِّبْقَةِ اللَّمَمِ
How many times has his palm by touch relieved the unwell,
And freed the helpless from in the noose of insanity.
وَأَحْيَتِ السَّنَةَ الشَّهْبَآءَ دَعْوَتُهُ
حَتّىٰ حَكَتْ غُرَّةً في الأَعْصُرِ الدُّهُمِ
His call gave life to a gray and barren year full of drought;
Till it became like a star in ages of ebony;
بِعَارِضٍ جَادَ أَوْخِلْتَ الْبِطَاحَ بِهَا
سَيْبًا مِّنَ الْيَمِّ أَوْ سَيْلاً مِّنَ الْعَرِمِ
With teeming clouds—you'd have thought the valleys had rivers flow
In from the sea, or a flooded dam that gushed viciously.
اَللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ وَسَلِّمْ وَزِدْ وَبَارِكْ عَلَيْهِ وَعَلَى آلِهِ
O Allah, bless and grant peace, increase and bestow blessings upon him and his family