قَمَرٌ قَمَرٌ قَمَرٌ سِيدْنَا النَّبِى قَمَرٌ
وَجَمِيل وَجَمِيل وَجَمِيل سِيدْنَا النَّبِى وَجَمِيل
Moonlike, moonlike, moonlike. The appearance of our master, the Prophet, is like moon.
And beautiful, and beautiful, and beautiful. Our master, the Prophet, is beautiful.
وَأَجْمَلُ مِنْكَ لَمْ تَرَقَطُّ عَيْن
وَأَطْيَبُ مِنْكَ لَمْ تَلِدِ النِّسَاءُ
More beautiful than you, my eyes have never seen
And more pleasant than you, a woman have not given birth to
خُلِقْتَ مُبَرَّءًا مِنْ كُلِّ عَيْبٍ
كَأَنَّكَ قَدْ خُلِقْتَ كَمَا تَشَاءُ
You were created pure of any flaw
As if, verily, you were created according to your own wish
وَكَفُّ الْمُـصْطَفَى كَالْوَرْدِ نَادِي الله, الله
وَعِطْرُهَ يَبْقَى اِذَا مَسَّتْ أَيَادِي الله, الله
And the palm of the Chosen One is like a rose, the fresh .. Allah .. Allah
And its scent remains upon the touching of hands Allah .. Allah
وَعَمَّ نَوَالُهاَ كُلَّ الْعِبَادِي
حَبِيبُ الِله يَا خَيْرَ الْبَرَى يا
And his kindness encompasses the all of God-serving mankind
The Beloved of Allah, O best of creation
وَلَا ظِلُّ لَّهُ بَلْ كَانَ نُورَا الله, الله
تَنَالَ الشَّمْسَ مِنْهُ وَالْبُدُورَ الله, الله
And there's no shadow from him, for he is the Light Allah .. Allah
And both sun and moon have been taking it from him Allah .. Allah
وَلَمْ يَكُنِ الْهُدَى لَوْلَا ظُهُورَه
وَكُلُّ الْكَوْنِ أَنَارُ بِنُورِ طَه
And there's no Guidance, without his presence
And all of the universe is illuminated by the light of Ta-Ha